Farewell to... Annabelle.
My loyal car of 6 years, Annabelle (a silver bug) was my trusty companion to college in California, on spring break to Arizona, back and forth to Portland more times than I can count, and a chariot for children. I personified that car to the point that it was truly painful to part ways with her. Yet, with 100,457 miles, it was time to do exactly that. Soon Annabelle would cost more to maintain that she was, in fact, worth. The only logical decision was to trade her in and start over fresh with a new car.
But the logical decision is not the emotional one, and, ridiculous as it is, I was very sad to give her up. Annabelle, first car o' mine, you were a joy.
Welcome to... Stella!
A new, 2010, Toyota Corolla, Stella smells nonintoxicatingly of "new car." She has four (four!) doors, a little alarm that goes off if you leave the lights on (thank god), and is a shiny, unblemished, dark grey. When I drove her off the lot, she had only 4 miles on her. AND I get free oil changes/tire rotations/servicing for 3 years. YES! I will take good care of this car. I'm forcing people to keep their feet down, food and drinks closed, and fingers off the window.
I am That Car Owner.
I expect I'll get over it soon, but for now, I'm revelling in her new-ness. The only problem: I no longer have a tie-dyed moose bumper sticker in the back window of my car ('cause, you know, it was stuck on Annabelle). I need to get me one of those.