Many schools around the country have a "spirit week" sometime during the school year. I'm not sure WHY, exactly, but I have no problem with amping ups spirits just for the hell of it. It is with precisely this mentality that the children and I decided to have our own Spirit Week this week (spring break).
Monday was Pajama Day. We forgot about spirit week until halfway through the day, at which point we hurriedly changed into our PJs. We spent the rest of the day at my apartment, baking cookies, playing with the cats, doing some crafts, playing some games, and reading some books. It was a beautifully chill afternoon. We followed this up by going out for pizza, so that we could have the delicious, scandalous thrill of being in public in our pajamas.
Tuesday was Crazy Hair Day. I'll post a picture of my own Crazy Hair (Clover styled it) soon, but for now you can just imagine. Neptune had a fauxhawk, one side sprayed blue, the other sprayed red. His "crest" was all sparkly. (Claire's hair dye, we love you!) Clover had a high ponytail that we gelled into a permanent waterfall (it looked like she had a jellyfish on her head). I gave her two little braids, which we sprayed with sparkles, and the rest of her hair was purple and blue. D'lightful. My hair was in high pigtails, and each pigtail was branched into several more pigtail tentacles. Each tentacle was a different colour. We. Looked. Awesome.
Wednesday is Sports Day, though only Neptune is adhering to that one. I don't own any sports clothes, and Clover would much rather be wearing "cute" clothes than her soccer jersey (much as she loves soccer).
Thursday is Crazy Hat Day-- very, very promising. There are paper mache hats drying on the dining room table, just waiting to be painted and displayed tomorrow. It didn't occur to me that *I* could make a paper mache hat as well, so I'll be relying on a Crazy Hat from home. My Moose hat, perhaps?
Friday is Totally Crazy Day. I have no idea what this will consist of, exactly, but I simply cannot wait to find out!
If you're an "IRL" friend of mine, undoubtedly pictures will be posted on FB soon.
And guys? Having spirit week, just for the fun of it? It's the best.