Wednesday 18 July 2012


I'm doing a downright crap job of keeping this blog updated this summer. It's just that all of these pesky Other Things keep getting in the way.

Necessary things, like eating breakfast, like folding laundry, like rock climbing, like going to the lake to swim, like one-on-one time with the kids, like grocery shopping, like being a tour guide for my friend who is staying with us this summer, like takig Pom Pom to dance camp, like getting Clover to practice the violin, like Neptune practicing 2 or 3 digit multiplication, like watching Law and Order SVU, like writing up my papers for my portfolio for application to the grad programme I want (what challenges will teachers face? what are the strengths I bring to the teaching profession?), like, like, like...

And so the poor little blog, which is so often at the very bottom of my priority list, finds itself there once again.

Stay tuned, though. If you're super lucky, I'll post a picture of a salamander I met a few weeks ago. It was adorable.

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