Do you remember that time, a few years ago, that the invention of the iPad was announced? Some people thought it was going to be the Greatest Thing Ever in terms of convenience and fun, and others thought it was not only a Silly Waste of Money, but also had a Stupid Name. Some of those people made jokes about the iTampon being the next product produced.
Guess which group I fell into.
I thought that iPad was basically just a big iTouch (which, you know... it is), and was trying for the convenience and usability of a computer (which, again...) but not actually achieving it. I wondered why anyone would spend money on something that was somehow both an iTouch and a computer, and yet wasn't particularly good at being either. I made a few more jokes about iTampons. (I know, I know. Humour of a 12 year old.)
But then, guys, I played with one. And then I actually Used One for a Variety of Purposes.
And I thought, "Okay, so these are pretty fun. And certainly easier to use than an iTouch. But it still seems like an awful lot of money for a toy."
And then
I tried one with a bluetooth keyboard. And. I. Was. Hooked.
When you combine an iPad with a keyboard, it suddenly goes from Kind-of-Silly-And-Pointless to Powerful-Tool-Of-The-Future. At least, that's what happened to my perspective.
So, you know. I bought one. To use for grad school, because I actually think it will be super awesome and helpful. E-books! Typing ANYWHERE! Don't have to lug around my laptop! WOOHOO!
But just in case you were wondering if I'm any less juvenile, I'm not. I will be referring to the little stylus pen I ordered as the "iTampon."