Sunday, 9 March 2014

101 Goals in 1001 Days

Have you seen this idea floating around the Internet? The concept is pretty straightforward: Create a list of 101 things you would like to accomplish, and then do so in 1001 days. My friend and I are going to do it together, which will be fun. We'll be able to compare notes on our process, and in some cases we have planned in some overlap (we're going Yurt camping together, for example). 

I'm pretty excited about this plan. It will be good incentive to do some of the things I really should do, and will also provide some reason to do the stuff I want to do but can't always justify. (Um, it's on my list. I have to.)

The only challenge right now is coming up with 101 things I need to/want to do! I'm at 36, I think. If anyone has any recommendations, by all means let me know. 

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