Friday, 1 July 2011

It's all in the details

Neptune: Toilet plunger is something that the kids love, but the parents hate.
Blythe: And the nannies too, actually.
Neptune: Yeah, it looks pretty gross. But it tastes pretty good. And I like the architectural detail.

Ah, yes. The architectural detail is just swell.

1 comment:

  1. Blythe,
    Thanks for stopping by SavvyPracticality! Blogger is out to get me and some comment forms only offer accounts that I don't have. The Name/URL form seems to be the only one that doesn't eat my comments or make me sign up for a new account.

    I love the candy posing-as-a-toilet theme! I'm also the woman that buys those pooping reindeer at Christmas time. My dad gets a toilet-humor gift from me a few times a year, cause we are crazy like that so this item is going on my list. I wondered how I'd top the flushing keychain!
