Friday, 23 August 2013

And here we are.

Summer goes faster every year. Hopefully the trueness of the statement makes up for the triteness of it. Who has not marvelled at how quickly the days go by, how fast the weeks disappear? I, for one, am repeatedly stunned. I went into the summer with an almost grim determination. We would have fun, damnit. All of us. Every day. Shit would get done. Fun would be had. And that's all there was to it. 

I whipped out the calendar, the colour coded pens (yes, these are things I always use, so no surprises there), and made a huge wall calendar. We talked about what we wanted to make a point of doing, what was especially important, and so on. I did my best to keep the conversation light, the ideas flowing. Inside my head, though, I was already scheduling. It's how I operate, as anyone who knows me can attest.

And then. Despite, because of, or parallel to my scheduling... summer happened. It has been full of The Great Outdoors, crafting opportunities, creative improv games, sleeping late (not for me, of course-- and never late enough for The Teens), delicious food and... well, fun. I want to spend a few weeks this fall detailing some of our adventures, for posterity, and also in case anyone needs inspiration for a Fun Thing To Do In The Greater Seattle Area. 

For these last few days of summer, though, I'm just diving in head first. Bring on the friends, and the sunscreen, and the crafts, and the outdoors. Bring on the school supply shopping, the new jeans, the first-day-of-school jitters. 

Because shit got done. And fun was had. And I am calling this summer A Success. 

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