Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Light Sabers

I work for a family who has conveniently decided to have all of their birthdays in one week. For one week in February, they eat nothing but cake and ice cream (or peach-and-mango sorbet if you are Clover, who doesn't like ice cream. Weirdo.). At their house, this week looks (I imagine) like an endless parade of wrapping paper and demands for special birthday dinners.

On my end, about 1200 miles away from the proceedings, this just looks like an endless pile of birthday and Valentine cards and desperate searches for the perfect present for each kid. I emailed their mom to get some guidance, and thus began my search for the glowing blue light saber (you know, the kind the "good guys" use)(I don't know, personally, I've never seen Star Wars).

Target doesn't have glowing blue light sabers. Green, yes. Red, yes. Blue? Nope. did give me some guidance, though, and brought me to a light saber that I could spend over $200 on. Who spends more than $200 on a light saber? Who spends more than $50 on a light saber? The answer to that second one would be, well, me. I found the PERFECT light saber. It lights up. It makes swooshing sounds. It's BLUE. And so, I bought it. For $70. A bargain, I know.

Sigh. I hope Neptune enjoys his birthday present! (And, yes, I still must find something equally fabulous for Clover.)

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